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lonely since the day .....

12/04/2010 , Posted by childy aditya lockerhearts at 12.19

I'll wait, I will be here because I know that you are my last love
Don't forger, even if time flows, if you were to come I won't let go of you

I only know one love, I don't know how to love someone else
I'm a fool that wants only you

Even if people talk to me, I only hear and see you, what do I do?
I don't know how to laugh, I don't know how to forget
I'm a fool that knows no one but you
I loved you so much, I really loved you
If you leave me, what do I do?

I'll wait, I will be here because I know that you are my last love
Don't forger, even if time flows, if you were to come I won't let go of you

I can't die so I live, I live days without you
It hurts so much that I can't breathe
People tell me it's like that, that's the way you live
Why is it so hard that I feel like dying?

I'll wait, I will be here because I know that you are my last love
Don't forger, even if time flows, if you were to come I won't let go of you

The steps I took when I left were painful
Because leaving like this I won't be able to see you again
The good memories keep blinding my eyes
Tears are filling up and I hold your arm
But it must end here, the love of you and I
These memories that are still breathing, I won't forget them
My heart hurts so much that I can't take it
I'm sorry, there's nothing I can say but this

Come back, my sad love. As long as my heart breathes, I'm calling for you
I have to say this to you, I love you so much, do you hear these words?

I love you, don't leave me behind because I know that you are my last love
Even if someone else comes, it can only be you, I won't let go of you

Currently have 1 komentar:

  1. anak GM says: sweet bnget....

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